Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wow *deep breath*

I'm taking a second, now that A LITTLE TOO HOT is out in the world, to reflect back on the last year. It was one year ago last Friday, January 17th, that I woke up with Lexie in my head. She told me she thought she might be in love with her stepbrother, Trent. I grabbed my laptop and started typing, and by that night I had the first 10K words of A LITTLE TO FAR. A couple of days later, I shot my omnipotent uber-agent an email with the pitch and asked her if NA was a thing now. (She'd always said it wasn't, but she'd just sold Cora Carmack's LOSING IT to Harper the month before.) She emailed me back and said it was a thing, but that it was still a tough sale. I sent her the first 80 pages of ALTF, which she read and loved, and we agreed to try to sub it. A week later, I'd finished the first draft. We took a few weeks to clean it up, then subbed to editors. It went to my lovely editor at HarperCollins on Friday and on Tuesday we were speaking on the phone. By Thursday we had a pre-empt we were happy with and I had a crazy deadline schedule for the next two books in the series. And that was my year.

So, I find it sort of karmic that the final book in the series would publish exactly one year from when I sent the first feeler to my agent about the idea--a year and four days after I first opened a clean Word doc and started writing Lexie's story. It's been sort of a fairy tale year, and I've met so many awesome readers and fabulous authors--people who have turned into some of my closest friends. (I'm looking at you, Jay and Katy!)
It hasn't always been easy, but it's been wild in the best possible way. It's a ride that I wish could have lasted forever, but instead of looking back, I'm looking forward.

When I wrote A LITTLE TOO FAR, it was in the two weeks that my agent had a new young adult novel that I'd written in December. We put that on the back burner when things started happening with A LITTLE TOO FAR, but I finally had a chance to go back and clean that up before Christmas, and I'm hoping for good things there. I also have some fun new adult ideas knocking around in my head that I'm looking forward to getting on paper, so to speak, in the next few months. I've contributed to a really cool anthology coming out next month, FIFTY FIRST TIMES, with Jennifer L. Armentrout, Molly McAdams, Sophie Jordan and a whole bunch more of us. So, there's not much chance I'll stop writing. But...I will slow down a little. Life got a little crazy in the last half of last year, so I'm taking some time to enjoy my family and just breathe.

Thanks to all you readers who have been along for the ride. You're the reason I love my job. The notes and Tweets make all the insanity worth it. You are the absolute best! xxoxoxoox

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A LITTLE TOO HOT Character Week--Harrison HEAT (and a MASSIVE giveaway!)

It's A LITTLE TOO HOT release day! We finally get to unleash Harrison on the world. ALTH is totally stand alone, so there's no need to read the first books in the series before diving in! Here's what you guys are saying about A LITTLE TOO HOT:

5 stars from Good Choice Reading: “Sam loses control a little and that is where the story does a complete twist. One that I had NO IDEA was coming. One second I am all blushing and waiting for the exciting moment, and then all of a sudden I am yelling O-M-G what?!?!?”

5 stars from Dark Faerie Tales: “If you like new adult contemporary novels with lots of steam and intrigue this is a must read for you.”

5 stars from Bittersweet Book Love: “Every once in a while, you read books that completely take you by surprise. This is one of them.”

5 Olives from Martini Time Romance: "When you think you have everything figured out, the author throws us readers a wicked curve ball, and we have no choice but to hang on for the ride. And what a ride it is."

So...yeah. There's a twist. And it involves this guy:

Harrison is that sexy combination of sweet and tough, but he's got his demons. For the most part, he does a decent job of keeping them in check, but they drive him and his need for revenge boils just below the surface of his cool-as-a-cucumber exterior. Harrison is hot, no doubt, but he's also a little mysterious. There's a reason. He's not who he says he is. Things get interesting for Harrison when he meets Sam. She seems to break through all his barriers. He want to get to know her. Hell, he wants HER more than he's ever wanted any other woman. When it become clear that Sam wants him back, he's got a decision to make. The one he makes spins both their lives into a cyclone of chaos that even Harrison never could have anticipated. Their only hope of surviving lies in trusting each other, but how do you do that when someone's shattered that trust. All he wants is Sam in his bed--the one thing he can never have without risking everything. So what he needs to decide is if she's worth it.

And I promised a giveaway! Some amazing authors have blurbed ALTH. Here's what they said:

Every page is deliciously breathtaking, wickedly sexy and sensational. A LITTLE TOO HOT is wonderfully unique and a LOT HOT! I am a HUGE Lisa Desrochers fan.
   — Katy Evans, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of REAL, MINE, and REMY

“Lisa is brilliant at creating sizzling sexual tension and impossible circumstances that make the reader hold their breath all the way to happy ever after. Sam and Harrison are more than A Little Too Hot, they are scorching!"
   — Jay Crownover, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of RULE, JET, and ROME

“Lisa Desrochers’ best yet! A LITTLE TOO HOT is hotter than hot with all the emotional punch to back it up!”
   — Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author

Because the ladies are so amazing, I'm giving away a "blurb pack" of signed books by all three. There's REAL, MINE, and REMY by Katy Evans, RULE, JET, and ROME by Jay Crownover, and FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan! Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 20, 2014

A LITTLE TOO HOT Character Week--Sam (and win signed books!)

It's A LITTLE TOO HOT release week, which means another Character Week here on the blog! Before we start, though, just a reminder that today is the LAST DAY to pre-order ALTH and earn a BONUS CHAPTER from Harrison's POV. This bonus chapter is only available to those who pre-order and fill out this form for your download code by today. Here's what Katy Evans, NYT bestselling author of REAL said about the bonus content:
"I just read the extra chapter for A LITTLE TOO HOT! @LisaDez are you trying to kill me? I'm still aflutter! Harrison's so sexy!"
Don't miss out on Harrison HEAT!

Also, enter below to win signed books from the authors who blurbed ALTH, including REAL, MINE and REMY by Katy Evans, RULE, JET and ROME by Jay Crownover, and FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan.

So, we kick ALTH Character Week off with my lovely, yet somewhat misguided heroine, Samantha West. A LITTLE TOO HOT is totally stand alone, and there is no need to read A LITTLE TOO FAR first, but if you did, you might remember Sam. She was Lexie's best friend who was totally lusting on Lexie's stepbrother, Trent. Some of you loved to hate her in A LITTLE TOO FAR, for good reason. Sam was crazy for Trent, and what Lexie couldn't tell her best friend was that she was secretly in love with Trent, so Lexie had to stand by and watch Trent date Sam...which nearly killed her.

Here's what some lovely blog reviewers had to say about that after reading A LITTLE TOO HOT:

"I thought I knew [Sam's] character and personality after reading about her in book 1, but it turns out I didn't know a thing! She's feisty, resilient, and street smart." --Forever Me Romance

"I've got to be honest and say that I didn't like Sam at all in the first book. In fact, I thought she was a calculating, callous, boy crazy bitch. My opinion soon changed upon being able to see events from her point of view." --Book Angel Emma

"The side of Sam we got in A LITTLE TOO FAR was the bratty, best friend side, which doesn't to Sam any justice at all! The Sam I got to know in this book was so much more--determined, feisty, sensual and sweet." --Bittersweet Book Love

So, why the "boy crazy" brattiness in A LITTLE TOO FAR? I'll let Sam explain that to you...

I sit and force my fingers to stop fidgeting with the clip of my garter belt.
“So, no boyfriend?” Harrison asks, and there’s an intensity to the question that unnerves me a little.
“No boyfriend. I’ve really only ever had one.” Oh my God. Why did I just tell him that?
“Me too. That is … one girlfriend,” he clarifies.
“Your fiancée?”
He nods. “How long ago? Your boyfriend, I mean.”
“We broke up a year ago.”
“Were you together long?”
I shake my head. “We were dating for about eight months, but it was long distance.” I don’t tell him the whole time we were together, Trent was in love with someone else, because that just makes me sound pathetic.
“How did you meet?” he asks.
“He untangled his stepsister’s kite string from my braces,” I say, tapping my lips with my finger.
His gaze sticks for a second on my mouth before he lifts it to my eyes. “Braces … ” he says with a tip of his head. “How old where you when you met?”
“So, you knew him for a while before you dated.”
“You could say that.”
He looks at me curiously for a long beat. “There’s a story there.”
I blow out a sigh. “A long and extremely pathetic one.”
“I’m listening.” He settles deeper into the cushions and drapes an arm over the back of the sofa.
I just look at him for a second, trying to gauge if he’s messing with me or if he’s really interested. His liquid gaze is deep and his expression soft but intent. I tip my head back against the sofa and stare at the ceiling. “I was totally in love with him all through high school, and I held out for him for five years, even when he didn’t show any interest, because no one else measured up. So, yeah. I knew him for a while.”
“After all that time, you finally got your man. What happened?”
“He was in love with my best friend … who also happens to be his stepsister.”
There’s a long silence, and I lift my head, but I can’t bring myself to look at him as I tell him things I’ve never said out loud before. “He was practicing with his band in Lexie’s garage, and we were in the driveway flying her kite, but the wind gusted and it did this loop, and the string got caught in my braces. Lexie yanked, I screamed, and when the guys came out of the garage to see what was up, they all started laughing. But not Trent. He came over and got me untangled. And he told the guys to cut the shit when they started calling me Jaws and asking if I got good reception.”
I remember it so clearly.
Hold still, he’d said. He grasped my chin gently and leaned in to examine my mouth. He was a little sweaty from jamming with the guys, and I remember thinking I should think that was gross. But I didn’t. It was the opposite of gross. I’d crushed on a few guys in junior high, but I never remember my heart racing the way it did with Trent so close. He’d unhooked me from the kite, and when he let me go, he smiled this incredible sideways smile and said, Good to go, and that was it.
I sigh and sink deeper onto the cushions. “I fell in love with him right that second. But even though I was under his nose all the time, he never thought of me as anything but his stepsister’s best friend, so, for five years, I pined.”

The heart wants what the heart wants, even if it (he) doesn't want you back. When Sam loses Trent to Lexie, she feels betrayed by both of them. Her best friend and boyfriend have chosen each other over her, and it stings. So she acts out, first by burning bridges with her best friend, then by drowning her sorrows in alcohol. She makes some new friends, the best of whom is lead man for a local band, and the real partying starts...which eventually gets her thrown out of college. A LITTLE TOO HOT is the story of Sam trying to finding herself again after being totally adrift. Unfortunately for her, this involves a little more chaos than she'd anticipated...especially when a certain hero enters the picture.

Enter here for SIGNED BOOKS and check in tomorrow for Harrison's story!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

ONE WEEK! ONE WEEK! AHHHH! (plus Harrison heat and all things ALTH)

Yep, it's only one week until the release of A LITTLE TOO HOT! Have you pre-ordered it? If so, guess what? HarperCollins has a BONUS for you! I'm just putting the finishing touches on an exculsive chapter from HARRISON'S POV!  And let me tell you, it is HOT! Pre-order, then go here to claim your bonus chapter.

And, also, have you guys seen the amazing blurbs???

Every page is deliciously breathtaking, wickedly sexy and sensational. A LITTLE TOO HOT is wonderfully unique and a LOT HOT! I am a HUGE Lisa Desrochers fan.
   — Katy Evans, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of REAL, MINE, and REMY

“Lisa is brilliant at creating sizzling sexual tension and impossible circumstances that make the reader hold their breath all the way to happy ever after. Sam and Harrison are more than A Little Too Hot, they are scorching!"
   — Jay Crownover, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of RULE, JET, and ROME

“Lisa Desrochers’ best yet! A LITTLE TOO HOT is hotter than hot with all the emotional punch to back it up!”
   — Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author

Those are some awesome authors, and I'm honored that they took the time to read my little book. The blog tours have started, and you have a chance to win signed books by all of those authors! I'm giving away signed copies of REAL, MINE, and REMY by Katy Evans, RULE, JET, and ROME by Jay Crownover, and FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan. To win, all you have to do it check out one of the blog tour stops (listed below) and fill out the Rafflecopter! That simple!

Here's a little something to get you hot for A LITTLE TOO HOT...

If you want more, you can read the first three chapters here.

And to follow the blog tour and enter to win a massive stash of signed books by all the blurb authors, go here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A LITTLE TOO HOT excerpt and a little Sam/Harrison heat

Last week, a whole bunch of awesome bloggers helped reveal the first peek at A LITTLE TOO HOT! I'm so excited you're only 2 weeks away from meeting Harrison and Sam. This was a super fun book to write and I hope you love reading it.

To warm you up, here's a snippet of heat from Sam and Harrison. If you like that, scroll down to read the first three chapters.

Exclusive Excerpt of A LITTLE TOO HOT by Lisa Desrochers by WilliamMorrowBooks