
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hot Mobster Sex! (aka: What's Next From Me)

I finally get to share my news!

(You'll need to click on the pic to read it, or you can find it in Publishers Marketplace if you subscribe.)

Most of my ideas are inspired when a character comes to life in my head and starts telling me their story. This project was different. The concept came out of a brainstorm between the fabulous publishing professionals I've been lucky enough to surround myself with. I'm not usually great at writing other people's ideas, but these characters took me by storm: the brooding heir apparent to the largest crime organization in Chicago; his brilliant business-minded sister, who may or may not be in love with the man who's contracted the hit on her family; his womanizing club-rat younger brother, who might just find himself now that he's out from under his Chicago persona; his youngest sister, who's already made a name in fashion design, only to have to give it up to protect her littlest brother from men who want them all dead. There are some powerful stories of self-discovery there. Plus, lots of hot mobster sex, danger, and suspense.

As always, I owe an enormous thanks to my omnipotent uberagent, Suzie Townsend. I'm super excited to work with my new editor, Leis Pederson at Penguin. I just heard from her yesterday that Outside the Lines is set to publish in October, and the second book in January. In the meantime, I promise much more eye-candy like the picture of my Rob above, and many previews to whet your appetite for my sexy Mafioso. So stay tuned.


  1. Congrats on the deal! It sounds fabulous. :)

  2. Replies
    1. If you like hot mobster sex... ;-)

    2. I don't actually know if I do, but I get to find out! ;D

  3. Is that really appropriate seeing as
    yooNeye shall croak writing bout sex?
    Why don't you just wait for 7thHeaven,
    dear, where we can do everythAng in
    the impossible universe? I know you
    know where Up is. I'd like for you to
    wait, lil1: I'll be able 2B14u2. How??
    Follow me to 7thHeaven and see:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, miss girl gorgeous...
