Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And off we go...

Things just keep on happening.

My truly fabulous agent got this in her mailbox today. She snapped a shot and sent it to me. I'm insanely jealous, because I want to FEEL it, but I'll just have to wait my turn for an ARC. Regardless, this was a little bit of a squee moment for me. It's the bound manuscript that goes out to authors for blurbs, and we've had some FABULOUS authors agree to take a look, which is also an epic SQUEE.

Have I mentioned lately that I love my life :D


  1. You should love your life! :) You'll get your ARC soon. Can't wait for your novel!

  2. That is a squee moment! Two of them. How exciting for you, Lisa. I love the new look of your blog!

  3. Woohoo! How exciting!!

  4. That's a bright moment of happiness. Thanks for sharing it. :D

  5. I'd watch your mailbox! ;) UPS tells me you should be getting something next Monday or Tuesday. Should have been today but I guess the snow delayed it. =(

  6. Melissa--
    I knew I wasn't making it up when I called you my seriously cool editor! =)

  7. Hurray!!! Congrats on all your success!
