Monday, February 27, 2012

You gotta have this book. Really.

Since I started writing, I've definitely gotten more critical in my reading. Unfortunately, it's hard to be a causal reader when writing is your profession. There aren't a lot of books that knock me over anymore. A lot of what I read just feels like "the same old thing." But I read a book last week. I'm telling you this because I'm still thinking about it.

The criteria I now judge a book by is this: If I think to myself, "Damn, I wish I wrote that," I know it's a great read. If I think to myself, "Gee, I could have written that," not so much. Because, honestly, if I could have written it, how good can it really be? I definitely wish I wrote this book:

If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend picking it up. Nuff said.


  1. You're right, this book is SO good...I have the next one, Red Glove, waiting for me on my Mp3 player.

  2. It's been on TBR list for a while. I guess I need to bump it up! I've heard good things about it before too. And yeah, it's almost impossible to turn off the internal editor now when I read. Except when I read Stephen King.ha

  3. I really want to read this, keep meaning to buy myself a copy. I think next time the Student Loans roll in I defo will! :)

  4. Wait a minute. Think about what you just said: "If I could have written it, honestly, how good could it really be?" This comes across as if your saying you're not a very good writer or mediocre at best. You didn't mean that, right? Don't sell yourself short. There are more than enough people around willing to do it for you.

    I'm sure there are books Holly Black wishes she wrote and that doesn't take away from her great writing skills.

    1. Sometimes my characters come up with some pretty great stuff, but I don't think I, personally, am all that creative. So, if I can see what's coming, it leaves me flat.

    2. Oh. Okay. I think I get it. Just as long as your not putting yourself down. I happen to like your books! :-)

  5. I agree...this whole series is fantastic. I just read the final book, and I am still thinking about it. I don't want to ruin it for you, but it was perfect. ;D

  6. Glad you liked this!!
