Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winners, continued! And it's MATCHED!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to enter my November Debut Contest for signed copies of Ally Condie’s Matched and Personal Demons! One of the funnest (stupidly, that’s not actually a word in the English language) things about being in the publishing world is meeting all you fabulous readers and some really cool authors as well. Ally is a genuinely nice person and it was an honor to meet her when we signed together at the NCIBA trade show last month. I want to take a minute to congratulate her on the release of Matched today. It’s going to take the world by storm!

There were also some questions in the contest comments. Thanks for asking! Here are your answers!

Bee asks: So has being a published writer changed your writing style in any way?
I’m currently writing Hellbent, the last of the Personal Demons trilogy. It’s the first thing I’ve ever had to write under contract (I wrote Original Sin last November when we were out on submission to editors with Personal Demons) which is proving to be a bit of a challenge. There are deadlines looming and readers who expect a really cool ending to the trilogy. In other words, there’s pressure.

Orchid asks: What made you want to write a book that features both angels and demons?
It wasn’t a conscious decision. Luc’s name popped into my head one day and I knew he was a demon because…well…his name was Lucifer. He started telling me a story that I started writing down.

Debys asks: How many books will there be on the Personal Demons series?
It’s a trilogy. Original Sin is scheduled to release July 5th and Hellbent is scheduled for May 2012.

Vivien asks: Will there be a sequel to Personal Demons?
Yep, see above =)

Kate asks: I'm wondering if there are going to be any new characters in Original Sin?
There are some new characters in Original Sin, and a few characters that had only cameos in Personal Demons play bigger roles, so we get to know them better. The answer to your second questions, which I didn’t include here because of spoilers, is yes. =)

Erika asks: Besides the Personal Demons series, do you have any other books planned out for you to write?
I am currently writing a book full of brand new characters. I’m not sure if it’s got series potential yet, since I don’t write with an outline, but I’m having a blast writing it!

So, without further ado, the winner of my November Debut Contest for signed copies of Ally Condie’s Matched and Personal Demons is…

Christie (The Fiction Enthusiast)

Congrats and HAPPY READING! Hope you enjoy both books =)

And, guess what? Yep! Another contest! Stop in tomorrow to check out my very last Debut Contest! And, because it’s the last one *sobs* the prize is extra special. The winner will receive a signed copy of Personal Demons AND a surprise second book (ARC, actually) never before seen by human eyes. You can be one of the VERY FIRST to get your hands on this particular ARC, which hasn’t even been printed yet. (But should be by the end of the month.) Any guesses? ;p

Also, there's still time to visit Bitten by Books if you want to enter to win one of five signed copies of Personal Demons or an iPod Shuffle with the PD playlist! The contest runs through midnight central time tonight =)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Winners! Lots of them!

Okay, that's a bit of a lie. I have two contests that ended while I was on blog sabbatical last week, but, what with all the over eating--oh, yeah, and the writing, I've only had time to compile the entries for one of them.

But first, another contest! A BIG one! I'm on Bitten by Books doing an interactive interview all day today! You could win and iPod Shuffle with the Personal Demons and Original Sin playlist pre-loaded or a signed copy of Personal Demons. Click the link and ask me questions!

And second, for you bargain shoppers, on-line Black Friday pricing continues on Personal Demons on both Barnes & Noble ($4.99) and Borders ($5). So, if you don't yet have a copy, for that price you can get, like, five! After all, what could possilbly make a better Christmas gift than a book about demons? ;p And don't forget to pre-order Original Sin while you're there!

So, the winner of my second Blurb Contest, for signed copies of Personal Demons and Maria V. Snyder's Inside Out, as chosen by the randomizer is...

Tura Lura

Congratulations and happy reading!

Stay tuned because tomorrow I'll have the winner of my November Debut Contest for signed copies of Personal Demons and Ally Condie's Matched, which, coincidentally, releases tomorrow! =)

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Thanksgiving Serenade

As much as I love all of you, and consider you family, I've decided to take the week of Thanksgiving off from blogging to spend some much needed quality time with my nuclear family and reflect on all the many things I'm truly thankful for. The last year has been amazing and my list is long, starting with a three book deal coming just before Christmas, and ending (for now) with word today that Personal Demons is a YALSA 2011 "Popular Paperbacks for Teens" nominee in the "Zombies, Werewolves and Things with Wings" category. Many of you have been here through the entire ride, and so, please know that each of you are on the list as well.

From my family to yours, have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. I'll see you back here next week with the winners of both my November Debut Contest, for a signed copy of Ally Condie's Matched and Personal Demons, and my second Blurb Contest for signed copies of Personal Demons and Maria V. Snyder's Inside Out!

And, so, I'll leave you with this Thanksgiving classic. Enjoy.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hi! *waves*

One of my very favorite things about being published is that I get to meet all kinds of people that I never would have otherwise. I’ve had other authors, bloggers and readers come to see me when I’ve been out in the world for signings, and it’s always fun to meet you. I especially love having a face to put with a Twitter handle or Blogger profile name. But it’s confusing when you guys have, say, Tinkerbell as your avatar, because then I’m expecting Tinkerbell. =)

Seriously. Thanks for all your support out here in the world. I’m in LA today getting ready to sign at the Barnes & Noble in Huntington Beach tomorrow from 7-9pm. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hi! =)

On my way here, I stopped by a Barnes & Noble that I’d signed stock in at the beginning of October, on another trip to the southland. I was thrilled to see that they had four copies left in stock, but none of them were any of the eight copies I signed six weeks ago. It always makes me feel good to realize that people have bought my book. I so hope you all enjoy it!

So, by tomorrow evening, there will be signed copies of Personal Demons at the Booklovers Café in Carmichael, CA, Keplers Books in Menlo Park, CA, Barnes & Noble in Sacramento, Santa Clarita, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach, CA, as well as in Chicago at the Borders in Hyde Park and Lincoln Village; Indianapolis at the Borders at Castleton; and Seattle at Third Place Books, or Borders and Barnes & Noble in Lynnwood, Downtown, Everett, and Bellevue.

I have a couple of northern CA stops between Thanksgiving and Christmas. After all, what could make a better Christmas gift than a book about demons? I'll be at Copperfields Books in Napa on Black Friday (11/26) from 1-3 and at the Borders in Pleasant Hill on Dec. 4th from 4-6! Hope to see some of you there!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Going Brazilian!

I’m hearing through the Twitterverse and the blogosphere that Personal Demons is releasing later this month in Brazil. Yay! If I could read Portuguese, I’d know for sure, but I have to trust Dictionary.com’s translator.

Here’s the Brazilian cover! The artwork is the same, obviously, and the tagline is also the same, according to the translator. I like the font and I love the Amor Infernal. It’s the "Infernal Love" series in Brazil. Doesn’t get much hotter! ;p

Love it!

So, yay! We’re published in Australia/New Zealand and in Brazil now. Hopefully the others aren’t far behind. I already showed you the German cover, but because I’m all excited for the German release, here it is again. 

What do you think?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The rest of the contest

Actually, I changed my mind. I think you guys are getting sick of these contests.

What...? You want the contest? You're sure?

Well...all right...

This contest started yesterday when I asked all of you who wrote the second blurb that appears on the back cover of Personal Demons. Several of you answered correctly in comments that it was Maria V. Snyder, earning yourself an extra point in my second blurb contest. And...it was also a clue to the contest!

That's right! Last week, I gave away a signed ARC of Claudia Gray's Afterlife. This week, I'm giving away a signed copy of Maria V. Snyder's Inside Out. Oh, yeah, and a signed copy of Personal Demons, because that's how I roll.

So, to enter to win signed copies of BOTH Inside Out and Personal Demons, you must be a follower here on the blog and comment below by midnight Wednesday, November 24th. If you commented on yesterday's post before midnight last night, you've already earned a bonus point. You get an additional entry if you follow me on Twitter (@LisaDez) as well. One entry per person, please.

Good luck!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The beginning of another contest, and yet another winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered to win a signed ARC of Claudia Gray's Afterlife and a signed copy of Personal Demons. As usual, there were a ton of you. I will announce the winner in just a second. But you know me. I can't help myself. There will be another contest, and I'm starting it right now.

But, I'm not telling you the prize yet...because I'm tricky like that. ;p

The contest will post tomorrow, but you can earn an extra entry into it by answering the following question today:

There are two author blurbs on the back cover of Personal Demons. Claudia Gray said:
"Personal Demons is as scary—and sexy—a book as I’ve read in a long time."
For one additional entry into the next contest tell me who wrote the second blurb. Post your answer in comments below by midnight PST today. Hint: If you don't have a copy of Personal Demons handy, there's a link to the answer in this page!
So, onto the winner of the Claudia Gray ARC and Personal Demons...
The winner, as chosen my the randomizer is...
Theresa @ TheCreativeWell
Congrats Theresa!

Monday, November 15, 2010

From the bottom of my heart...

I recently wrote my acknowledgements for Original Sin. It was hard.

Here’s the thing.

When I wrote Personal Demons, I didn’t have the courage to put myself out there. What that means is NO ONE read it (with the exception of my daughter). My awesome crit partner read the first three chapters, and that was it. So, because of my cowardice, the only people I really needed to thank were said daughter and crit partner, my husband for keeping us alive (even though he didn’t know why I wasn’t getting to the grocery store, or why I didn’t have time for the laundry), my agent, and my editor.

This time around is different, though. I’ve become part of a really amazing community where everyone is so willing to extend a helping hand. I still only have one reader, but my crit partner was much more central to pulling Original Sin together. My family was much more involved, now that they know I’m writing. My new writer friends have been so supportive and inspirational. And readers. What can I say? It makes my heart ache a little (in a good way) that so many of you, who I’ve never met, have read Personal Demons, then written to tell me how much you loved it.

So, Original Sin acknowledgements are longer than Personal Demons acknowledgements, but they’re not nearly long enough. I really wanted to include all of you by name…but my editor told me the acknowledgements couldn’t be longer than the book. O_O

Thank all of you for your support over the last year since I started this blog. You are truly appreciated.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I love libraries, but...

I’ve decided I’m getting ultra-extraordinarily lazy. My research stack for my latest (non-Personal Demons) book is very small. Most of my resources are on-line. It’s so much easier to let my fingers do the walking. After all, my laptop has been absorbed into my thighs, so it’s always there, at my fingertips. Easy access. Plus, as good as my local library is, the non-fiction collections aren’t as comprehensive as they would be in a larger city, so, even if I find just the right resource on, say…the air speed velocity of a laden African Swallow, it’s unlikely that my library will have it.

So, question:

Where do you do most of your writing research?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How the heck do you do this???

I'm working on a fun, new project with some fun, new characters. Thanks to all of you on Twitter who have answered my calls for help on everything from Starbucks coffee drinks to dog names.

But, I'm really only about 15K words into this thing and I've already rewritten it twice, because I get snippets of where the characters are taking me and things in the begining need to change.

So, my question for all of you:

Do you outline?

If so, how the heck do you do it?
Major plot points only? Characters? Or details? I don't even know where to start O_O

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What C.S. Lewis and I have in common...

In September, after Personal Demons released, I was out to dinner with a group of my medical colleagues and they were asking me about my book. When I explained that half of Personal Demons was told from my demon, Luc's perspective, one of them asked if I'd read C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters.

I'm a huge Narnia fan, but as much as I loved those books, I'd never investigated any farther into C.S. Lewis' writing, so I'd never heard of The Screwtape Letters. I grabbed this book from my library to take on my trip last week and read it on the plane. It's a collection of letters Screwtape, an Underlord of Hell, is writing to his demon nephew, Wormwood, expounding all of his unearthy advice on how to tempt his "patient" down the fiery path. And, where I certainly didn't plagiarize C.S. Lewis, having never read his book, I was surprised by similarities in his demon's train of thought, and my demon's train of thought. I guess I shouldn't have been. After all, they're both demons. But it was interesting to read Screwtape's advice and compare it to Luc's actions.

Even though I'd never profess to put myself in the same creative universe as C.S. Lewis, it's fun to think that we had some of the same ideas :p Have any of you read The Screwtape Letters? What did you think?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

More on reviews

I'm finding out that the YA book blogging community, on the whole, is just as supportive as the YA writing community. I really appreciate all the comments here on Thursday's post. There's been a small rash of snarky or mean-spirited PD reviews that have cropped up on Goodreads and Amazon since I posted that. Maybe it's just coincedence, but over 600 people read that post, so it stands to reason that some of them weren't going to like it. My tears have been few, though, because the vast majority of you have been totally amazing! Thank you so much.

So many of you have given Personal Demons thoughtful and fair reviews, and I didn't want you to think it had gone unnoticed or unappreciated. You guys are the best! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I wanted to share with you the latest gem in all the recent muck. This posted on Sunday, after a rough couple of days, and made my week. It's by a gentleman who is a professional reviewer and has written reviews for Publishers Weekly and the The Chicago Tribune. His name is Paul Goat Allen (I really want to know the story behind that) and he posted it on Unabashedly Bookish: The B&N Community Blog. The title is Heaven, Hell--and High School: Lisa Desrochers' Debut Novel is Meyer's Twilight Saga With a Soul.

Nothing makes me happier than when a reader truly "gets" what I was trying to do, and, from this review, I can tell that he did. It may not be cool to say it anymore, but I'm a big SM fan, so for someone to compare my book to hers makes me =)

And, again, thanks so much for your support. Love you guys.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Will the insanity never end?!

I can't help myself. It's like an addiction.

Yep, it's another contest!

Claudia Gray is the fabulous author of the Evernight series. Here's what she had to say about Personal Demons:
—“Personal Demons is as scary—and sexy—a book as I’ve read in a long time.”

Back when she interviewed me on her blog, she asked if I'd like to do an ARC giveaway for Afterlife, the fourth book in the Evernight series! I'm like, ARE YOU SERIOUS! (See! I'm always thinking of you guys!) So, I have a signed ARC of this amazing book, which doesn't release until March, and here's your chance to win it AND a signed copy of Personal Demons.

Claudia was nice enough to answer a few questions for us. Here they are:

In your first Personal Demons ARC give-away, you asked your readers to tell you what they thought were the “personal demons” of any or all of the characters in the Evernight books. What were some of the more intriguing answers?

Most people focused very strongly on the lies characters told each other --- because a loooooot of lying goes on at Evernight Academy, particularly in the first couple of books.  Bianca, Lucas, the Oliviers, Mrs. Bethany: All of them have secrets they keep for different reasons -- some of them excellent -- but it still clouds their relationships.  Others looked at people who feel guilty, like Raquel or especially Balthazar.  I was really surprised to see how much readers had picked up on some very brief mentions in the books to get a really deep grasp of what even incidental characters were feeling. 

One of the things I enjoy most about your writing is your vivid description of settings. Do you physically map out places such as the Evernight Academy?

I had to, to some extent!  Though to this day, I get confused as to whether the north tower is the girls' dorm and the south tower the boys', or vice versa.  (I have it written down to check; I could never, ever just remember.)  The geography of the school really is critical to a lot of the story, so I had to work a few things out.  That said, I left myself a few "gray areas" to fill in later as needed; you never know what might come up. 

Right from book one in the Evernight series there are some great, and very unexpected, plot twists. Did you always know where the series was going, or has it evolved in the writing?

I'm a big outliner, so yes, I knew pretty much where the series was going from the start.  That said, it's evolved too; knowing some big events that are going to happen isn't the same as knowing how the characters will react to that.  It's a little like taking a road trip; you may make some unexpected detours, take the scenic route or go see some stuff you hadn't planned to see on the way, but you know your destination.  (At least, that's how I work with my outlines.)  

In your interview with me, you asked about Frannie’s parents. I’m going to turn the question back on you. It’s refreshing that Bianca’s parents are so involved, but they have some major secrets in the beginning of the series. How does this affect their relationship with Bianca?

I really had fun with Bianca's parents, because while they are in some ways a very typical, if especially loving and close, Mom and Dad: They want the best for their little girl, dote on her, push her toward what they think will help her, and so on.  And yet I wanted to make it clear they had a very different set of expectations than most parents.  I mean, yes, right, they want her to be a vampire -- that's different!  But in terms of what that would mean, long-term, the Oliviers expect to have a relationship with their daughter as adults and equals for the next few centuries.  So there's a closeness there, and yet higher expectations.  And those expectations mean that they keep secrets.  In order for their dreams to come true (and, honestly, what they think Bianca needs most), they need her to look at only one option for her future.  When it comes to being dishonest, in the Olivier family, it definitely works both ways.  They love each other so much, which is why they lie -- it's a tangle.  A tangle I enjoy.  

We’re all chomping at the bit for Afterlife, and one lucky blog reader will be receiving it. Without giving anything away, can you tell us if it’s the same cast of characters? Is there anyone new you want to introduce us to?

It's almost entirely the same set of characters, though a few wraiths who have had only small roles so far (like Maxie and Christopher) come much more into the story.  There's one new character in a smaller role, a human girl named Skye, who really has no idea what she's getting into.  She actually comes into the story by being a friend of Lucas', not Bianca's, though she has no connection to Black Cross.  So there's a little of Bianca's reaction to Lucas having a girl friend (as opposed to a girlfriend).  But obviously -- given the end of HOURGLASS -- those two have much bigger issues to deal with.  

Thanks for taking the time to fill us in, Claudia!

So, the contest:

To enter, you must be a follower here on the blog and comment below by midnight Monday, November 15th. You get an additional entry if you follow me on Twitter (@LisaDez) as well. One entry per person, please.

And, for those of you in Chicago, I'll be signing this afternoon from 4-6 at the Borders at 755 West North St. Come hang out with me!

Good luck! =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

OMG! Someone stop me!

I know! Crazy! Another winner! I was so busy ranting about book reviews yesterday that I forgot to post the winner of my Bonus Debut contest! (Side note: Interestingly, 12 hours after I posted my rant, I got an Amazon review just like the one I ranted about. Coincidence?)

So, the contest...

The winner of signed copies of Firelight by the fabulous Sophie Jordan, and Personal Demons by moi, as chosen by the randomizer, is...

Amanda Leigh!!

Congrats! Happy reading!

If you didn't win, never fear! Check back Monday when there may be, dare I say it...another CONTEST! OMG! Someone stop me!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

When book reviews cross the line--a rant

I hesitated to write this post, because I’m sure it won’t be read by the people who need to hear it, but then I decided it was important.

I’m a review junkie. All you YA book bloggers may not know it, but I stalk your blogs and Goodreads reviews. I love that most of you put together well crafted and thought out book reviews and I look to you for what to read next.

But I recently read a review that broke my heart. It was for a book that I loved by an author who, in addition to being insanely talented, is also a really nice person. What upset me as I read the review wasn’t that the reviewer quite obviously didn’t like the book. Tastes are different, and no one book is going to appeal to everyone. I have no problem with a well thought out negative review. What upset me was that the attack was personal. And, make no mistake, it was an attack. Reviewers: Please know the fact that you're at your computer, possibly thousands of miles away, doesn't make your words any less sharp or cutting. They hurt just as much as if you'd said them to our face. More so in some ways, because you've broadcast them to the world.

This reviewer thought it was somehow funny to ridicule the author. If you don’t like the book, fine, but it’s not necessary to poke fun at it or the author. There are a few reviewers who, I’m convinced, take joy in ripping authors to shreds.

So, I read this cutting review and then, because I was curious if this was a pattern for this reviewer, went to her Goodreads profile and found out two things. One: unfortunately, it is a pattern, and two: she is an aspiring writer.

Now that I’m being asked for blurbs, I find myself on the other side of the page. Where I was once an “aspiring writer” now I’m a published author, and some people seem to think that means I know what I’m doing.

The writing community, especially in YA is ultra-supportive, and I’ve made some great friends along the way. I’m super happy to help out authors who are where I was not that long ago. But, the thing about that is, if it’s someone I don’t know, I’m going to check them out before I agree to read their work. I google them. I check Goodreads, Amazon and B&N for reviews they’ve posted.

It’s a pretty significant time commitment for someone like me, who still works the day job, to agree to read a novel and decide whether to blurb it. I can tell you without hesitation that, if I see a review that crosses the line into a personal attack, I won’t be helping that writer out, and I’ll very likely forward that information along to the multitudes of other authors that I’m now fortunate enough to call my friends. It’s not that I, or any of my writer friends are vindictive. It’s really just the opposite. We support each other and we’re friends. I want to know that the person asking that I support them has been supportive of other writers in return (kind of the pay it forward mentality).

So, if you write book reviews, excellent. If you’re planning on trying to get your own work published, however, be conscious of the fact that, at least in the YA community, many of us are friends. A nasty review of any book or author is a reflection on you more than the book, and we’ll take that into account when we decide how much we’ll be supporting your writing career.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You guys are a little weird, but I love you anyway

So, I got some questions in the comments on my October Debut Contest that I thought I take a few minutes to answer. Some of them are intriging, others funny and still others are just weird. I love you guys.
So here they are...

Jen7waters: Question: is your heroine Frannie inspired in somebody? (maybe not the whole character, but just some personality trait?) - just curious :)
Actually, none of my characters where inspired by any one person. There are elements of almost everyone I’ve ever met in all of them.

Anne: What is something about your series that may surprise your readers?
If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore :p

Erika: how did you come up with the idea for Personal Demons?
It started when I was reading a bio for one of my favorite bands, Saving Abel. They said they got their name from the biblical story of Cain and Abel where it says, “There was no saving Abel.” The name, Lucifer Cain popped into my head and it occurred to me that would be a really fun (and very cliché) name for a demon.

Katie: I have yet to read Personal Demons, but I was wondering how you felt about your cover? I've heard mixed things about it and was wondering what you thought.
I like the concept, and Cliff Nielsen did a great job with the artwork. Gabe and his wings are beautiful. I think everyone agrees that the models are a little old for high school, though, and I wish Frannie was in a little bit more girlish pose. (less thrusty)

Elzahh: I was wondering, you've said what gave you inspiration for the character's Frannie and Luc, but what inspired the character Gabe?
I’ve mentioned in my Character Week posts the musical inspiration for all my main characters. For Gabe, it was Ryan Star’s Breath.

: I would like to ask you something, I don't know if you've already been asked this, but what is the most annoying question you've received, or you are receiving about your books?
This one. Joking. =) I don’t find any questions annoying. I’m happy to answer anything you want to ask!

Kristi: Is there a specific reason you chose a Black Shelby Cobra GT500? Besides the fact that it's an awesome ride? Love Grandpa's answer to Frannie’s question about what the Devil would drive!
I didn’t choose it, Luc did :p You’ll find that I had fun with clichés in this book. Everything from the way my demon and angel look, to their names, to what they drive screams demon or angel. My thought was, if demons and angels really walked the earth, looking for souls to tag for Heaven and Hell, would we recognize them for what they were if the looked and acted exactly as we’d expect them to? Probably not.

Png: do you see any visions of Personal Demons being made into a tv series or a movie?
Funny you should ask that. I'm writing what's called "coverage" for Personal Demons right now. It’s a one page synopsis that goes to movie execs. We've got some interested, but no movie deal at this point. Here’s who I picked for the lead roles.

Fairy whispers: what makes book covers make u pick them up?
For me, it’s mystery. They have to intrigue me and make me HAVE to know what the book is about. I’m not a big fan of characters on covers, ironically.

Thanks for the questions, guys! If you're in the Indianapolis area, I'm signing at the Borders on 82nd Street tomorrow from 7-9! Come see me!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Whew! I've been so busy with book events and copyedits that I almost forgot to announce the winners of the EPIC 666 FOLLOWERS give-away! Yes, you read that right: WINNERS! As in FOUR!

To remind you, each winner will receive the following:
$10 Amazon, Barnes&Noble or Borders gift card (winner's choice)
A signed copy of Personal Demons or Personal Demons CD audio book (winners choice)
A Personal Demons tank top
Signed Personal Demons bookmarks
Team Luc and Team Gabe temporary tattoos (side note: It appears that Luc and Gabe are marking souls via these tattoos. Some people say that the Luc tattoos come off easier; others say the Gabe tattoos come off easier. You be the judge. O.O)
Assorted Halloween candy
There were a bazillion entries (well, not really, but it felt like it when I was counting them all up) and FOUR lucky winners were chosen using the randomizer.
So, without further adieu, the winners are:

Book Junkies



Caitlin (Scarrlet Reader)

Congrats to all the winners! Thanks to everyone who entered! If you didn't win, never fear! There are two additional contests running on the blog as we speak! You have one more day to enter my Bonus Debut Contest for a chance to win signed copies of Firelight by Sophie Jordan and Personal Demons, and my November Debut Contest just posted yesterday. Enter to win signed copies of Ally Condie's Matched and Personal Demons.

Good luck!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November Debut Contest!!

Here it is, November already! My EPIC 666 FOLLOWER PERSONAL DEMONS/HALLOWEEN CONTEST closed last night, and I’ll have the winners (yes, there are four!) up tomorrow! But it’s time for my November Debut Contest!

As most of you know, for the last two months, I’ve diverged from my usual routine by giving away TWO debut books. In September, one luck winner got signed copies of Personal Demons, and my buddy, Kody Keplinger’s The Duff. In October, someone won Personal Demons and my fab critique partner, Andrea Cremer’s Nightshade. This month, I’m going to diverge even more. I’m, once again, giving away two books, but this time neither one of them are technically debuts.

Here’s what’s up for grabs:
A signed copy of Personal Demons (as usual) AND
A signed finished copy of Matched by Ally Condie

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to sign with Ally in October, and scored you guys a signed finished copy. (They won’t release until Nov. 30!) Yay! Personal Demons released in September, so, really, it’s not a debut anymore. Ally has published other books, so, although Matched debuts this month, she’s not technically a debut author. But I didn’t think you guys would mind =)

So, the rules are the same as for every Debut contest. All you have to do to enter is comment on this post by noon (PST) on Friday, November 26th. Nothing fancy, you can just say hi or ask a question. (I love to answer questions, especially about my books!) In addition to commenting (for which you get one point) you can accumulate extra points as follows:
Old blog follower: +3 points
New blog follower: +2 points
Follow me on Twitter (@LisaDez) +2 points
Link to my contest post on your blog or twitter: +1 point
Dedicated post with link to my contest on your website/blog: +3 points
Add me to your blogroll: +2 points

Add up your points on your entry, and please remember to tell me how to find you (email address). And remember, there will be no rollover points. Points start new every month.

The winner will be chosen by the randomizer and posted on the blog after noon on November 26th.

And, don't forget! My bonus debut contest it still going on! Enter to win signed copies of Personal Demons and Sophie Jordan's Firelight here

Good luck!!!