Friday, March 16, 2012


Ah! It's time for more winners!

Thanks to all of you who checked out the first chapter of Last Rite and entered for your very own ARC =) If you aren't the luck winner this week, don't despair! There will be another contest up on Monday and, in addition to a signed ARC of LAST RITE, I'll be giving away a signed book by someone who's been dominating the NYT list for the last few months! (Think: John Green :p)

But, for today's winners, we go to the randomizer.

Our first winner for a signed copy of ORIGINAL SIN is...


And, our grand prize winner, for a signed LAST RITE ARC and a signed copy of Juliet Immortal is...

Crystal!!! (@cfulcher)

Congrats to both our winners! *throws virtual confetti* (because I don't want to clean the real stuff up)

I'll email you soon!