I can't imagine it. Well, actually I can. It looks something like this->
Books stimulate imaginations, nurture creativity and improve lives. It’s our libraries that afford everyone access to that magic, but little by little, support is being pulled from our library systems. In this day of funding cuts, it’s especially important to support our libraries privately, so here’s your chance to help. On this
Library Appreciation Day, I’m pledging $5 to the
Stanislaus County Library for every commenter on today’s post.

We all have our favorite library memories, and I would hope that we could preserve those memories for our children and grandchildren. Who doesn’t delight in watching kids
run around the library with arms full of books sit quietly on their grandma’s knee while she reads them a story. My kids love going to the library to browse books. It’s like shopping for FREE! And it’s super exciting to me that, someday soon, they’ll be able to browse my titles there too. An under-funded library system is bad news all the way around. No one wins. So, do what you can to keep our libraries alive and
What a wonderful post! Thank you! A world without libraries is a dystopian world indeed. =)
ReplyDeleteHoorah for libraries! Great idea and good luck with your debut this fall :)
ReplyDeleteYay! Thank you for donating to my county library! You're amazing. I agree libraries really do need all the support they could get.When I was younger, I would walk with my friend to the library every 2 weeks and come back home with 10 new books to read plus a new decorated library bag to carry them in.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys!
ReplyDeleteAdrianna--Are you here? Where I am? No way!
Yes to keeping libraries alive! Thank you for your post today.
ReplyDeleteIf it's Modesto, then yup!
ReplyDeleteYay libraries! While I personally don't use them for pleasure, they're perfect for researching. Where would we go without them?
ReplyDeleteThis is great - Thanks for doing it!
ReplyDeleteI recently discovered audiobooks at the library. Those darn things are so expensive to buy, and I like to listen to them like bedtime stories. Now I have a source!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely library post. Ray Bradbury has told the story for years of the role libraries played in his development as a writer. So many people find solace, inspiration, wonder and plain ol' information at the library. Long may they live.
Thanks for your comments!
ReplyDeleteAdrianna--Oakdale. Too funny!
This is so wonderful to hear. I LOVE our library here. I would be LOST without it. It's nice to see this kind of support. We are getting ready to kick off a fund raiser because the building our library is in-well it's a wreck. So some of us in the community decided to do something about it. I love everybody who supports a library, because a world without libraries is no place I want to live.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be spotlighting what our followers can do to support their local libraries soon on our blog! I'm getting ready to take some ARCs and other books we received for review over to our local library soon. Libraries are such a vital place and we can't not sit by and not do something.