Wow. I may or may not be shaking a little. I can't believe it's release day for my baby. But there are soooo many people who deserve at least as much (if not way more) credit than I do for getting PD out into the world. Many of them are in my acknowledgements, and others, I've already thanked publicly here on the blog, but I feel the need to do it again, because I am SO grateful for all the support and encouragement I've gotten from this fabulous group of people.
First, of course, is my family. My husband has been truly amazing. I work my day job, then come home and am on the computer all night. He's picked up the slack (shopping, cooking, cleaning, kids) without ever once commenting about it. Even though he doesn't "get" the whole YA teenage girl thing, he's read my work and been a source of encouragement and support. Without him, there's no way any of this would be possible.

My truly fabulous agent, Suzie Townsend, is a rockstar. There's no way I can ever thank her enough for all her tireless work on my behalf and for believing in me and my writing enough to take that initial leap of faith.
Course, Suzie'd still be dropping off that cliff if my seriously cool editor, Melissa Frain, hadn't also had enough faith in my work to sign that book deal. She's taken something I loved and helped me make it into something I hope all of you might love too.

Stephanie Howard was the queen of real, and kept me on track.
My Big Sur group was the first to read PD when it was just an infant (only 10K words in) and their feedback gave me the confidence to finish writing it.
Jennifer Laughran, also at Big Sur, was generous with her feedback and time. If you've never met Jen, she doesn't bullshit, so when she told me she thought I had something, I believed her.

I get that this isn't like the academy awards or anything. It's just a book. But it's my book and, before I get the hook, I want to send my heartfelt thanks to every one of you who has supported me on this blog and followed me on Twitter and Facebook. I really love chatting with all of you. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you out on the road. You guys totally rock! I've got the bestest followers evah! :p
If you're around, come see me at Barnes & Noble in Modesto, CA tonight for launch, or Wednesday (9/22) at Third Place Books in Seattle. Check my website for other stops =)
Now, for those of you who are only here to enter the PERSONAL DEMONS AMAZING RACE and had to suffer through all my drivel, I apologize. The last word you need to form the Personal Demons related sentence is choose.
You should now have 13 words which make up a quite obvious Personal Demons question. Make sure you've commented on each of the tour blogs (see list at the top of my sidebar) and enter that question, along with your answer, on the form below by midnight PST on Thursday for your chance at one of two Grand Prize Packs, including an iPod Shuffle loaded with the Personal Demons playlist, a signed copy of Personal Demons and a ton of swag!
Good luck and thanks again for all your support! You guys totally rock!
Congrats, Lisa. Have a great day!!
ReplyDeleteThat was lots of fun, Thanks! Good luck with the release.
ReplyDeleteThis has been such a fun way to learn about and get excited by a book. Good luck with the release!
ReplyDeleteCrit partner pride!! I am sooooo happy for you Lisa. Happy Happy Happy Release Day :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Lisa!! Have an amazing book birthday :D
ReplyDeleteI'm so psyched! It's 1 am here and I can't sleep :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Release Day!!
ReplyDeleteHappy book birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the fun contest :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Release Day!! I'm so happy for you! Frannie, Luc, and Gabe are so awesome - I love them!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great Release Day! I'm taking a break from reading your book and I don't want to put it down! But my kids have to eat sometime, lol. Thanks for having the great contest, I enjoyed participating!
ReplyDeleteYEYY!!! *throws confetti* So so happy for you!! Gosh, I remember seeing info. on your book months ago and the release date seemed so far it's HERE!! I hope you have the best time today and get to enjoy it :)
Happy Book Birthday Lisa! :) Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteHappy release day! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say congrats!! So exciting!!
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy release day, and I hope you have a great time at the signings. (I enjoyed reading the appreciations, by the way)
ReplyDeleteHappy book birthday!!!!!!! :):):):) Can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Lisa! I am out to hunt down Personal Demons.
ReplyDeletecongratulations on the book release, lisa! I am so excited to read Personal Demons!I hope you have fun on your book signings!
ReplyDeleteAnd the amazing race was just crazy! :)
Congrats and THANK YOU! :D I'm so excited!
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! I already told you on Twitter, but just wanted to say it again: Personal Demons rocks!
ReplyDeleteHappy Book Birthday!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Happy, Happy Day! Congratulations Lisa!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Lisa! Can't wait to download it to my nook!
ReplyDeleteYippee! I'm off to buy a copy tonight at my local indie bookstore. I'm so happy for you.
ReplyDeleteCongrats and thanks for the fun giveaway!
ReplyDeleteAHH HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY! Many congrats Lisa!!! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the contest!
Congrats, congrats, congrats! :D
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun race! All Entered!
ReplyDeleteHappy Book Birthday!
Happy Book Birthday! Congrats on the release! :D
ReplyDeleteHappy Book Birthday! I can't wait to read Personal Demons. =]
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Lisa! I got the last copy on our B&N shelf. It's been a fun-filled journey on your blog, and now I'm looking forward to their story.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Happy Release Day! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Lisa!
ReplyDeleteHappy Release Day!!! :D
ReplyDeleteHappy happy book birthday. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, that was not drivel. At all. Way more entertaining than lots of other speeches I've heard (or read). :D
Thanks for the fun giveaway. Congrats on your book!
ReplyDeleteCongrats and happy book birthday!!! I can't wait to read PD--wish Amazon would ship it to me faster!
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway Congrats on this sure to be epic day
ReplyDeleteHappy book birthday, Lisa!! So excited for you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Happy book birthday!
ReplyDeleteWoohooo! Congrats on you book birthday!