Monday, October 18, 2010

Smart Chicks Winner!

I should have gotten more signed Smart Chicks books! I had a ton of entries for Melissa Marr's Radiant Shadows, and even more for this one: Melissa de la Cruz's Keys to the Repository. Luckily for you, I've had the chance to sign with some amazing authors, including Ally Condie, Kiersten White and Sophie Jordan, and I also have signed books from all the spectacular authors who blurbed Personal Demons (that would be Claudia Gray and Maria V. Snyder) so there will be many more signed books up for grabs here in the next several weeks.

The Smart Chicks contest is over, but here's what's still up for grabs in other contests here on the blog:
A signed copy of Personal Demons and my awesome critique partner, Andrea Cremer's book Nightshade in my October Debut Contest.

A signed copy of Personal Demons, a Personal Demons tank top, a $10 gift card and tons of swag in my EPIC 666 FOLLOWERS PERSONAL DEMONS/HALLOWEEN CONTEST.

So, the winner of my final Smart Chicks give-away, which includes a signed copy of Melissa de la Cruz's Keys to the Repository and a signed copy of Personal Demons is:

Amy J-Book Addict


*throws virtual confetti*

Check back for another contest tomorrow! It will be fabulous! I promise =)