Monday (that’s tonight!): 4:00pm, Teen Author Carnival, Mulberry Street Library, 10 Jersey Street. I’ll be moderating the Kick Ass Females panel. Panelists include my amazing critique partner, Andrea Cremer (Nightshade), as well as Courtney Allison Multon (Angelfire), Malinda Lo (Ash, Huntress), Michelle Zink (Prophesy of the Sisters, Guardian of the Gate), Elizabeth Scott (Between Here and Forever), Carole Estby Dagg (The Year We Were Famous), and Michelle Hodkin (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer) Admission is free and there are other panels going on as well, including amazing authors like Gayle Forman, David Levithan, Kody Keplinger, Leah Clifford and my lovely agent sister Hannah Moskowitz, so if you’re in town, you don’t want to miss this!
Tuesday: 2:30-3:30, I will be signing finished copies of Original Sin at Table #12 in the formal autographing area. This is your VERY FIRST chance to get your hands on a signed finished copy.
Wednesday: 1:00-1:30, I will be signing Personal Demons at the RWA booth (#3774). If you pick up a copy of Original Sin Tuesday, but haven’t read Personal Demons yet, DON’T OPEN IT! The first line of OS is a total spoiler for PD. But, if you stop by the RWA booth, you’ll have a matched set, so you can start from the beginning. =)
I’d be thrilled if y’all would stop in and see me at one, two, or all three events!
And now for our Original Sin teaser. I mentioned Friday that we meet some new characters in Original Sin. In our last teaser we met Chase. Today we meet Lili…and that’s all I have to say about that. ;p Once again, this scene takes place at the library, where Luc is working.
#OriginalSin p88 Luc: Lili nods. “So, you work here?” She scans the stacks before settling her gaze on me.
“As of today.”
Her eyes light up as she smiles for real. “So you’re not just a pretty face.”
I laugh out loud and Mavis scowls at me over the top of her glasses.
Lili’s eyes flick to Mavis. She cringes and lowers her lashes. “Sorry,” she whispers.
“My fault.” I give her another reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll see you later?”
She nods and slips through the door.
Hope to see some of you this week! Come find me and say hi!
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