I’m reminded this week that writing is a waiting game. We write, we submit, we wait. Since Personal Demons sold a year ago December, I feel like everything has happened in a blur. PD was on an accelerated publication schedule, and getting it onto shelves in nine months meant everything happened fast. In addition to revisions, edits and first pass pages for PD, I was finishing up Original Sin, which was due to my editor last June. Then, I had to write The Novel Formerly Known as Hellbent.

I’m waiting, and I’d forgotten how nerve wracking it is. It was only made worse when I read this post by the fabulosity that is agent Jen Laughran about what happens when your agent hates your masterpiece.
But, I’m lucky to have an amazing critique partner to keep me busy while I wait. And, I'm picking away at the WIP, hoping to have it finished this week =)
So, the question of the day: If you write, how do you deal with all the waiting?
And, now the Original Sin teaser! It is impossible to tease from a sequel without spoiling some of the fun from the previous book, so if you don’t want any PD spoilery, stop reading!
Okay…for those of you still here, we know Matt is Frannie’s guardian angel. He’s also her dead twin brother. Here’s an exchange between the two siblings about their younger sister, Maggie:
#OriginalSin p54 Frannie: “Do you remember when we tried to sell Maggie to the neighbors?” Matt says.
I laugh with the memory. “’Cause we wanted a puppy and Mom said to start saving our money.”
“And Mom made us go talk to Father Mahoney about it—”
“And he told us we weren’t asking enough for her,” I finish for him, cracking up.
I hate the waiting--hate, hate, hate it. So I stalk cool blogs like this one and try to stay busy. LOL. :-)
ReplyDeleteTrying to sell a younger sibling? Oh, yeah, it happens. Great characterization. :)Suzanne Lucero
ReplyDeleteWell, I didn't have to wait, I went to your agent's blog and entered. Thanks.